اطلت الإعلامة ومقدمة الأخبار على شاشة بفستان احمر خلال في مهرجان الزمن الجميل في كازينو لبنان LBC بترا ابي حيدر
وكتبت ابو حيدر على صفحتها:
Live from the Red Carpet of AL ZAMAN AL JAMIL Awards that took place yesterday at the Casino Du Liban to honor the great Lebanese and Arab artists and personalities.
Stay tuned to convey this wonderful event’s red carpet atmosphere on a special episode soon on LBCI Lebanon
Big thanks to AL ZAMAN EL JAMIL awards president Hratch Saghbazarian
To the executive producer Ralph Maatouk and the content producer Dominic Abu Hanna
I couldn’t choose a favorite photo, because they are all my favorites, taken by the best Raydan Sharrouf
Dress: Designer-24
By the designer Nour Fathallah
Make up: Bassam Fattouh
Aya Naqaweh
Hair: Victor Keyrouz
Joe Daou